Report an issue

  • Please select the type of concern you are wishing to address. This will assist us in routing the issue to the appropriate city department for attention.
  • Please provide the address of your concern. If no address is available please describe the location so that we can find it.
  • Please provide a description of your concern. Be as detailed as necessary for us to properly address the issue.
  • This field is not required, but is helpful if we need to contact you about your concern.
  • This field is not required, but is helpful if we need to contact you about your concern.
  • This field is not required, but is helpful if we need to contact you about your concern.
  • Use this feature to upload any image that you have of the concern that you are submitting.
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Maximum file size - 10 mega bytes.
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