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City of Warr Acres
City Council
City Council Agendas
City Council Agendas
2024 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 9-17-24
Amended Agenda 8/20/24
Special Agenda 7/25/24 Canceled
Agenda 7-16-24
Special CC Agenda & EDA 7-8-24
Agenda 6-18-24 w/amended eco
Amended Agenda May 21, 2024
Special Economic Development Agenda 5-9-24
Special Economic Development Agenda 5-6-24
Amended Agenda 4-16-24
2nd Amended Agenda 3/19/24
Amended Agenda 2-20-24
Agenda 1-16-24
2023 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-19-23
Special Council Agenda 12-12-23 Budget hearing
Agenda 11/21/23
Special Agenda 10-24-23
Amended Agenda 10-17-23
Special Agenda 10-4-23
Special Agenda and PWA Agenda 9/26/23
Agenda 9-19-23
Agenda 8-15-23
Agenda 7/18/23
Special Agenda 7-6-23
Amended Agenda 6-20-23
Agenda 6-20-23
Agenda 5-16-23 Amended Economic Development meeting
Agenda 5-16-23
2022 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-20-22
Special Agenda 12-15-22
Special Agenda 12-6-2022
Agenda 11-15-22
Amended Amended Agenda 10/18/22
Agenda 9/20/22
Agenda 8-16-22
Council Agenda 7-19-2022
Agenda 6-21-22
Agenda 5-17-22
Special Agenda 5-3-22
Agenda 4-19-22
Amended Agenda 3-15-22
Agenda 2-15-22
Agenda 1-18-22
2021 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-21-21
Special Agenda Budget 12-13-21 6:30 pm
Agenda 11-16-21
Agenda 10-19-21
PC Agenda 10-12-21
Agenda 9/21/21
Agenda 8/17/21
Agenda 7-20-21
Special Agenda 6-21-21
Agenda 6-15-21
Agenda 5-18-21
Special Agenda 4/28/21
Agenda 4-20-21
Amended Agenda 3-16-21
Notice of 3-16-21 zoom meeting
2020 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-15-20
Special Agenda 11/30/20
Change of location for meeting 12-15-20
*Amended Agenda council meeting 11-19-2020
Agenda 11-12-20
Special meeting 11-5-2020 Agenda
Notice of meeting date change and zoom 11/12/20
Agenda 10/20/20
Special Agenda 10/12/20
Notice of Zoom Meeting Regular Council 10/20/20
Agenda 9/15/20
Special Agenda 8/27/20
Notice of Zoom 9/15/20 Council meeting
Agenda 8/18/20
Special Agenda 8/4/20
2019 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-17-19
Special Agenda 12-9-19
Special Agenda 11-25-19
AGENDA 11-19-19
Special Agenda 11-7-19
Agenda 10-15-19
Agenda 9/17/19
Special Agenda 9/12/19
Agenda 8-20-19
Special Agenda 7/29/19
Agenda 7/16/19
Agenda 6-18-19
Agenda 5-21-19
Agenda 4/16/19
Amended Agenda 3-19-19
2018 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12/18/18
Agenda 11-20-18
Special CC 11/6/18
Agenda 10-16-18
Agenda 10-16-18
Agenda 9-18-18
Agenda 8-21-18
Agenda 7-17-18
Agenda 6/19/18
Agenda Special 6-7-18
Agenda 5-15-18
Agenda 4-17-2018
Agenda 3-20-18
Agenda 2-20-18
Agenda 1-16-18
2017 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-19-17
Special Agenda 12-11-17 Budget
Agenda 11-21-17
Agenda 10/17/17
Agenda 9-19-17
Agenda 8-15-17
Agenda 7/18/17
Agenda 6-20-17
Agenda 5-16-17
Agenda 4-18-2017
Agenda 3-21-17
Emergency City Council Meeting 3-7-17
Agenda 1-17-17
Agenda 2-21-17
Special Agenda 1-5-17
2016 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 12-20-16
Special Agenda 12-12-16
Agenda 11-15-16
Special Agenda 12-12-16 Budget
Agenda 10-18-2016
Agenda 5-17-2016
Agenda 4-19-2016
Agenda 3-15-2016
Agenda 3-8-2016 (swearing in)
Agenda 2-16-2016
Agenda 1-19-2016
2016 Meeting Dates
Agenda 9-20-2016
Agenda 8-16-2016
Agenda 7-19-2016
2015 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda (special) 3-23-2015
Agenda 9-15-2015
Agenda 8-18-2015
Agenda (special) 7-24-2015
Agenda 7-21-2015
Agenda 6-16-2015
Agenda 5-19-2015
2015 meeting dates
Agenda 10-20-2015
Agenda 3-17-2015
Agenda 11-17-2015
Agenda (amended) 2-17-2015
Agenda 2-17-2015
Agenda (amended) 1-20-2015
Agenda 1-20-2015
Agenda (special) 1-22-2015
Agenda (special) 1-6-2015
Agenda 12-15-2015 (amended)
Agenda 12-15-2015 (amended)
Agenda 12-15-2015 (Amended)
2014 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 10-21-2014
Agenda 9-16-2014
Agenda (special) 9-8-2014
Agenda 8-19-2014
Agenda 3-18-2014
Agenda 4-15-2014
Agenda 2-20-2014
Agenda 12-16-2014
Agenda 11-18-2014
Agenda 7-15-2014
Agenda 6-17-2014
Agenda (swear-in) 3-11-2014
Agenda 2-18-2014
Agenda 1-21-2014
Agenda (special) 1-9-2014
2014 Meeting Dates
2013 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 9-17-2013
Agenda 3-19-2013
Agenda 4-16-2013
Agenda (special) 5-2-2013
Agenda 8-20-2013
Agenda 5-21-2013
Agenda (special) 6-6-2013
Agenda 6-18-2013
Agenda 7-16-2013
Agenda 2-19-2013
Agenda (amended) 9-17-2013
2013 Meeting Dates
Agenda 1-15-2013
Agenda 10-15-2013
Agenda 11-19-2013
Agenda (swear-in) 3-12-2013
Agenda (amended) 12-17-2013
Agenda 12-17-2013
Agenda (special budget) 12-12-2013
Agenda (special) 11-26-2013
2012 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda 1-17-2012
Agenda 3-20-2012
Agenda (amended) 5-15-2012
Agenda 5-15-2012
Agenda 4-17-2012
2012 Meeting Dates
Agenda 6-19-2012
Agenda 10-16-2012
Agenda 9-18-2012
Agenda 8-21-2012
Agenda 7-17-2012
Agenda 6-15-2012
Agenda (amended) 12-18-2012
Agenda 12-18-2012
Agenda (swear-in) 3-13-2012
Agenda (special budget) 12-13-2012
Agenda (special budget) 12-4-2012
Agenda 11-20-2012
Agenda (swear-in amended) 3-13-2012
Agenda 2-21-2012
2011 City Council Meeting Agendas
Agenda (special-budget) 12-8-2011
Agenda 4-19-2011
Agenda 10-18-2011
Agenda 11-15-2011
Agenda (special-budget) 11-21-2011
Agenda 3-15-2011
Agenda (swear-in) 3-8-2011
Agenda 2-15-2011
Agenda 5-17-2011
Agenda 9-20-2011
Agenda (amended) 4-19-2011
Agenda (amended) 3-15-2011
Agenda 8-16-2011
Agenda 7-19-2011
Agenda 6-21-2011
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