Commercial Property Submission Form

Form for property submission

  • Enter the street address for the available property location. If there are multiple spaces or suites available you may submit a single listing or one for each space available.
  • Please select the type of property that is available. You may select more than one property type if the location can be used for retail or office. To select multiple choices first select one category then hold the Ctrl button and select the second category.
  • Use this field to enter any details you wish to have included in your listing. This may include the amount of square feet, price, amenities, traffic count, allowance or anything else that may be helpful.
  • Please enter the listing agent's name that you wish to have appear in the property listing.
  • Please enter the contact phone number you wish to have included in the listing.
  • Please enter the email address if you would like one to appear with the listing.
  • This field is for listing a company web site for the listing agent. We recommend using a direct link to the property on your site that you are requesting to list.
  • Use this field to include the online location for any documents that contain information about the property you are listing. This is commonly used for pdf flyers with property details.
  • This field is available to upload an image of the available property or the complex that it is part of.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Maximum file size - 5 mega bytes.
  • If the contact person for this submission is different than the listing agent please enter the name for the contact person in case we have any questions about your submission.
  • If the contact person for this submission is different than the listing agent please include the email address for the contact person in case we have any questions about your submission.
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